Electronic devices that source, detect and control light are known as optoelectronics. Optoelectronics light medium often includes gamma rays, X-ray and infrared in electronic devices to conduct various operations. Optoelectronics is sub segment of photonics technology and the demand for photonics technology is expected to rise. Due to the increasing demand, the photonics market is expected generate revenue of $410.78 million by year 2020. Optoelectronics is used for emission, transmission and modulation of light signal. Due to rapid development of optoelectronics, it is expected that adoption of this technology in communication, medicine, and material science will rise in the years to come. Optoelectronics is not only a competitive alternate for existing products; also a technology that would help in creating smart systems. Adoption of optoelectronics is expected to rise in electronic components such as LED’s, OLED’s, compact disk and in Blu-ray devices. Revolutionary change in communication platform such as mobile phones, multimedia and digital transmission with higher bandwidth requirement is possible due to rapid development of optoelectronics. Optoelectronics is the integration of optical-communication, optical-storage and optical imaging industries. Cost of transmission is expected to decline as reach of internet expands and data service centers increase.
The cost of Optoelectronics based products are higher compares to conventional products this is one of the factor which limits the growth of the market. Customer may choose alternative technology instead of optoelectronics based products such as LCD display instead of LED display, as LCD is an economical solution. The cost involved in replacement of spare parts is higher in compared to conventional products. Therefore, cost acts as a restraining factor in the growth of optoelectronics market. As LCD displays play a major part in the optoelectronic market, the decreased sales will influence the market largely.
Some of the key companies profiled in this report are Sony Corp, Toshiba Corp, Panasonics, Toshiba Corp, Philips, ROHM, Avago Technologies, Samsung, Osram, and Dialight Corp.
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• Storage Media
• Display Modules
• Fiber & Cable
• Transceiver Modules
• Source & Detectors
• Connector & Hardware
• Others
• Automotive
• Computers
• Consumer Electronics
• Communication
• Industrial Optical Sensing Equipment
• Laser Equipment
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• North America
• Europe
• Asia-Pacific
• RoW
• Technology Investors
• Research Institutes
• Optoelectronics Manufacturers, Retailers and Distributors
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