Nanosensors are made with the help of chemical, biological or surgical sensory points to transfer information regarding Nanoparticles that is used for organic studies. For the system optimization and for the detailed study of biology, Nanotechnology is most commonly used. Global Nanotechnology market is expected to reach 2.4Trillion by 2015. By understanding this market scenario, many manufacturers are proactively investing into R&D of Nanotechnology based products to grab initial market share of Nanotechnology adoption. Use of Nanosensors in medical industry helps to critically analyze the particular cell as it has capabilities to measure change in volume, displacement, concentration, velocity, electrical and magnetic forces, pressure or temperature of the cell. Some Nano-sensors are able to distinguish between specific cells such as cancer cell at the molecular level. Due to all these advantages, adoption of Nanaosenor is higher in healthcare industry and this adoption is acting as major driving fueling the market growth.
Ethical and social impact of Nanosenor is both good and bad, as it has capability to deliver uncertainty and accurate information such as it detecting toxic material in water. However, the use of Nanosenor in surveillance devices is violating few of the privacy and security norms. Currently, there are few sensors available that support consumer electronics. These are key restraining factors limiting growth of the Nanaomarket.
Key companies that are profiled in the report are Dow Corning, Samsung, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Applied Nanotech Holdings, Inc. IBM, Motorola and Agilent.
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• Porter’s Five Force model will help to understand bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, threat of new entrants, substitutes and competition amongst the industry’s top players
• Top investment pockets of Nansensor market are discussed according to regions, by considering market revenue and growth rate of each region.
• Report discuses government regulations, and policies related to Nanosensor usage in various application segment
• Estimation are made by considering current market trend, future potential investment for analysis period of 2013-2020 with base revenue of year
• Impact analysis of drivers, restraints and opportunities of Nanosensor market during analysis period are dealt in detail to support business decisions.
• Top-Down Lithography
• Bottom-Up Assembly
• Molecular Self-Assembly
• Security, Surveillance and Military
• Biomedical and Healthcare
• Environmental Monitoring
• Food Management
• Others
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• North America
• Europe
• Asia-Pacific
• RoW
• Technology Investors
• System Integrators
• Research Institutes
• Manufacturers and Distributor of Nanosenor
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