Neobanking is a novel banking technology that provides complete online banking solutions to its customers. These banks differ from traditional banks, as they have no physical offices and branches.Neobanking allows everything from opening an account to other services, without the need to go to a bank. Simple, GoBank and Moven are some of the first-ever Neobanking organizations.
In the present scenario, Neobanks are enjoying a co-operative environment and, competition is very low among them. However, with rising demand for these banks, rivalry is sure to occur in this market.
Apart from the competition among the Neobanks, it would also emerge as a strong competitor for traditional banking institution. Easy processes of account opening, transactions, etc. are strong driving factors for the market. Moreover, the user interface of the Neobank websites gives it an upper hand. However, the authenticity and financial security factors may bring hindrances in its path.
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