Chromatography is a technique used for separation of mixtures for advanced use. Chromatography solvents, such as methanol, chloroform, ethanol, and others are used for separation of mixtures. One component solvent system or two component solvent system is used as per the requirement. No interference from chemical stabilizers, reduction in environment impact, and reduced hazardous disposal costs are benefits of using solvents in chromatography. Increasing use in purification processes present new avenues for chromatography solvents.
The factors that fuel the growth of the Asian chromatography solvents market are increasing healthcare expense in the region, rising demand for supply of medicines, increasing aging population, and initiatives from several governments to promote industrialization. The factors hindering the growth of the market is high cost of Acetonitrile, which is the most commonly used solvent in chromatography. However, increasing use of chromatography in proteomics and emerging markets across China & India create opportunities in the market.
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The Asian chromatography solvents market is segmented into solvent type, grade, application, end user, and countries. The market is further classified based on solvent type into polar solvents and non-polar solvents. The market is further divided based on solvent grade into LCMS grade, UHPLC grade, and HPLC grade. On the basis of applications, the market is further segmented into analytical and preparative chromatography. The end user segment is further classified into pharmaceutical & biotechnology industry, food & beverage industry, academic, research & government institutes, and cosmetics industry. Based on countries, the market is segmented into Japan, China, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Republic of Korea, and Indonesia.
The key manufacturers operating in the market are EMD Millipore, Avantor Performance, Tedia Company, Sigma-Aldrich, GE Healthcare, Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., Thermo-Fisher Scientific, VWR International, Regis Technologies Inc., and Qualikems Fine Chem Pvt. Ltd. Various strategies, such as agreements, mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and others have been implemented by key manufacturers to gain a strong foothold in the market.
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- The report offers a detailed analysis of key driving and hindering factors of the Asian chromatography solvents market.
- The report provides an extensive analysis of current and future market status of the Asian chromatography solvents market.
- This report offers an in-depth quantitative analysis of the current market and estimations through 2015 and 2020, which assists in identifying the prevailing Market – Opportunities.
- An extensive analysis of dominant market shares for each segment helps in understanding the current status of market.
- An extensive analysis of current research and clinical developments within the Asian chromatography solvents market is provided with key market dynamic factors that helps in understanding the behaviour of the market.
- The report provides an extensive information about new product launches, research and recent developments of the Asian chromatography solvents market.
- Geographically, the Asian chromatography solvents market is segmented into Japan, China, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Republic of Korea, and Indonesia.
By Solvent Type
- Polar Solvents
- Non-Polar Solvents
By Grade
- LCMS Grade
- UHPLC Grade
- HPLC Grade
By Application
- Analytical Chromatography
- Preparative Chromatography
By End User
- Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Industry
- Food & Beverage Industry
- Academic, Research & Government Institutes
- Cosmetics Industry
By Country
- Japan
- China
- India
- Vietnam
- Malaysia
- Singapore
- Republic of Korea
- Indonesia
- EMD Millipore
- Avantor Performance
- Tedia Company
- Sigma-Aldrich
- GE Healthcare
- Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.
- Thermo-Fisher Scientific
- VWR International
- Regis Technologies Inc.
- Qualikems Fine Chem Pvt. Ltd.
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