Latest industry research report on Three dimensional technology, is a digital platform that enhances the illusion of depth perception. Today, this technology finds application in a cluster of segments which include entertainment, printing, industrial manufacturing and architecture, government & defence, aerospace, healthcare, forensic & e-education market. The entertainment industry holds the largest share in 3D technology and is growing at an exponential rate. Introduction of 3D displays in T.V. and mobiles also has fuelled the market growth. The report highlights the current position of APAC 3D technology market along with the forecast for 2014-2020.
According to product types, the 3D technology market can be segmented into 3D printer, 3D Glasses, 3D Imaging Components, 3D Imaging Software and 3D Display technology. The report provides detailed analysis of these market segments. The study also provides analysis of all the key factors influencing the market growth.
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In the Asia Pacific region, South Korea is the most prominent marketing hub for 3D display with key vendors such as Sony (Japan), Toshiba, LG Electronics, Samsung electronics and Panasonic (Japan). LG Electronics holds the largest market share in APAC region followed by Samsung Electronics and Sony. India holds the leading position in the APAC3D printing market with key players such as ALTEM Technologies, Imaginarium, Brahma 3 and others.
South Korea also has strong presence in APAC 3D printing market with key players such as 3D Systems Inc. and others. These key players are profiled in the report with detailed information on their business overview, product portfolios, financials, investments, news and recent developments.
Do Inquiry To Buy Report Asia Pacific Three Dimensional (3D) Technology Market @http://www.marketresearchstore.com/report/asia-pacific-three-dimensional-technology-market-71396#InquiryForBuying
- The report provides an in depth analysis of the 3D market which is segmented into product, application and geography
- The report provides a forecast for 3D technology based on current market trends and growth opportunities
- The report highlights the winning strategies by analysing the recent developments of key players in this market
- Patent analysis helps to identify future trends in the 3D technology market along with the number of patents granted in various geographies
- The report also highlights the top investment pockets in 3D printing technology application market by considering recent developments and investment in 3D printing R&D by various governments
- Porters Five Force analysis provides a detailed insight into the 3D technology market by collectively analysing supplier, buyer and substitutes
- The report helps to identify key challenges that must be addressed and overcome in 3D technology market
The market is segmented on the basis of product, application, and country.
- 3DPrinting (3D printer, 3D material)
- 3D glasses
- 3D display technology
- Head Mounted Display (HMD)
- 3D smart-phone
- 3D digital signage
- 3D television
- 3D projectors
- 3D imaging components
- 3D cameras
- 3D scanners
- 3D medical imaging
- 3D printing Industry
- Entertainment
- Healthcare
- Automobile and industrial
- Government and defence
- Architecture
- Others(Forensic and E-education)
- South Korea
- China
- Japan
- Australia
- India
- Others
- Sony (Japan)
- Toshiba
- LG Electronics
- Samsung electronics
- Panasonic (Japan)
- ALTEM Technologies
- Imaginarium
- Brahma 3
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