Latest industry research report on: Textile testing, inspection and certification (TIC) is conducted to ensure quality & safety of textiles. The compliance to national & international standards of performance is compulsory for textiles. Textile testing is used to assess raw materials, monitor production, and test the final product. Textile inspection is used to check labeling & packaging, examine the raw materials used, and inspect partially finished materials. Certifications for textiles are provided to confirm that manufacturers followed the standards of quality, safety, and performance norms during the production of products.
Introduction of new regulations and standards in the textile sector and increase in global trade of textiles are factors propelling the growth of the market. However, varying regulations and standards in the importing nations is a major factor obstructing the growth of the market. On the other hand, technological innovations in textile sector create significant opportunities in the market.
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The world textile testing, inspection, and certification market is segmented based on applications and geography. Applications discussed in the report are textile testing, textile inspection, textile certification, and toys. Geographically, the market is divided into North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Latin America, Middle East and Africa (LAMEA).
The prominent companies operating in the market are SGS Group, Bureau Veritas Group, Intertek Group PLC, TV SUD Group, BSI Group, Sai Global Ltd., Eurofins Scientific, Asiainspection, Hohenstein, and Testex AG. Agreements, collaborations, approvals, mergers & acquisitions, partnerships, joint ventures, expansions, and others are some of the key strategies adopted by these companies to strengthen their position in the market.
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- The report offers a detailed analysis of key driving and restraining factors of the world textile testing, inspection, and certification market.
- This report offers an in-depth quantitative analysis of the current market and estimations through 2015-2020, which assists in identifying the prevailing Market – Opportunities.
- An exhaustive analysis of key strategies adopted by leading manufacturers helps in understanding competitive scenario.
- The report provides an extensive analysis of current and future market status of the world textile testing, inspection, and certification market.
- Comprehensive analysis has been done in this report by constructing market estimations for the key market segments between 2015 and 2020.
- An extensive analysis of current research and clinical developments withinthe world textile testing, inspection, and certification market is provided with key market dynamic factors that help in understanding the behavior of the market.
- The world textile testing, inspection, and certification market is segmented into North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Latin America, Middle East and Africa (LAMEA).
The Textile Testing, Inspection, And Certification Market By Application
- Textile Testing
- Textile Inspection
- Textile Certification
- Toys
The Textile Testing, Inspection, And Certification Market By Geography
- North America
- Asia-Pacific
- Europe
- Latin America, Middle East and Africa (LAMEA)
- SGS Group
- Bureau Veritas Group
- Intertek Group PLC
- TV SUD Group
- BSI Group
- Sai Global Ltd.
- Eurofins Scientific
- Asiainspection
- Hohenstein
- Testex AG.
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