Researchers have designed the flexible wearable device capable of monitoring and measuring both biochemical and electric signals in the human body in real time.
New wearable device can monitor body’s biochemical, electrical signals, communicates wirelessly with smart watch, smartphone or laptop. The device has a find in different applications, from athletes monitoring and measuring their workouts to physicians monitoring patients with heart disease
Researchers including Amay J Bandodkar, A M Vinu Mohan and Rajan Kumar from University of California San Diego (UC San Diego) in the US developed the device. It comes with flexible suite of sensors and a small electronic board.
Patrick Mercier from UC San Diego said,” One of the overarching goals of our research is to build a wearable tricorder-like device that can measure simultaneously a whole suite of chemical, physical and electrophysiological signals continuously during the day”
The information collected by device can transmit the data via Bluetooth. Most commercial wearables only measure one signal, such as steps or heart rate but, this device can measure chemical signals, such as lactate.
Researchers said that, “The patch was tested on three male subjects, who wore the device on their chest, near the base of their sternum, while doing 15 to 30 minutes of intense activity on a stationary bike”.