As the news of the Google’s next update for its Android OS is in the air, we have brought step-wise procedure of installing this new Android O developer preview manually for you guys. Wait for a second. Let us make one thing crystal clear for you, before you get ready for the installation. Though you are excited for the new Android O to install in your smartphone, there are few significant risks as this new update won’t be significantly stable. This new version of Android is beta version and is probably loaded with issues and bugs. In addition, this process won’t be as simple as downloading an over the air (OTA) and so there are chances that you may end up with a blocked device.
So if you are ready to take the risk, enjoying reading the article. Below the steps to manually install the Android O in your smartphone.
- Backup your data on the device as we are pretty sure that everything may be lost.
- Go to the Android Developers site for the proper factory image from the devices list to further download it on your PC.
- It is necessary that you have the latest ADB tools, which include your device Google Android, installed on your PC. The bootloader of your device should be unlocked for this process.
- Enter your device settings and got to Developer Options in order to unlock bootloader. Tick on OEM unlocking.
- Reboot your device on “fastboot mode”. While you are in this mode, connect your PC and the device through a USB cable.
- Next type “adb fastboot oem unlock” in ADB command by opening the command prompt window. A confirmation prompt will appear.
- After unlocking the bootloader install the Android O preview. Once again enter the fastboot mode using the earlier key combination.
- The downloaded Android O file will comprise several files and a zip file containing the factory image.
- On the command prompt window, enter the path where Android O zip file was extracted. Flash the .img files in the Android O zip such as bootloader, the radio, and the factory image files. For flashing the files, use adb command “fastboot flash radio <radio-file-name>.
- Follow the same for bootloader “fastboot flash bootloader <bootloader-file-name>, and further for all the img files.
- Next click the terminal command reboot and sit back for Android to boot.
Congratulations…! You have successfully installed the new Android O developer preview on your device—but with certain risks.