Homecare Medical Equipment Markets are poised to achieve continuing growth as the aging population needs homecare treatment. The homecare equipment market consists primarily of wheelchairs, scooters, oxygen treatment equipment, accessibility beds, lifts, and toilets. Homecare medical equipment has until recently been sold primarily through distributers. The impact of direct sales through the Internet has brought about some distribution market consolidation, leading to a decrease of in the number of distributers for homecare equipment.
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As the population ages, people are more frail and need assistance for mobility. Wheelchair technology is evolving to give people with disabilities more mobility. Mobility depends on a wheelchair that is fit to purpose. Power and manual wheelchairs are bought depending on the needs of the customers. Medical scooters are a growing segment of mobility for the aging population, as they perform better in an outdoor environment. Many issues impact the choice of a wheelchair, including cost and reimbursement availability.
The other major driver of homecare equipment is the large incidence of COPD and other respiratory conditions where oxygen is able to improve the quality of the life in a dramatic manner. Portable devices have become affordable and support a mobile lifestyle even while on oxygen. Stationary oxygen concentrators are needed for night use by patients on portable oxygen concentrators during the day.
Homes must also be outfitted to accommodate the needs of the ageing population, where beds, lifts, and specialty toilets are the major equipment which goes into the home. The equipment distributors work with each customer to outfit the home and car with the required equipment to allow mobility individualized for each case.
Get Full Table Of Content (Index) Of Homecare medical equipment Market: http://www.intenseresearch.com/market-analysis/homecare-medical-equipment-market-shares-analysis-and-index.html#table-of-content
Table Of Content Of Homecare medical equipment Market:
Market Share 1 st worksheet
Tables of yearly and quarterly market share revenue of each company in this sector
Chart Yearly 2 nd worksheet
Graph of yearly market share revenue of each company in this sector
Chart Quarterly 3 rd worksheet
Graph of quarterly market share revenue of each company in this sector
Methods 4 th worksheet
Market segment definition, methodology, and about WinterGreen Research text
Market Analysis 5 th worksheet
Text describing analysis of the market share revenue and market share index which discusses strengths and weakness of market participant
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