Aquaculture is referred as aqua farming of various aquatic organisms such as crustaceans, fish, molluscs and aquatic plants. Aquaculture involves both freshwater and saltwater cultivation under controlled environment. Global seafood demand is continuously increasing and expected to reach 138 million tons by 2025. Increasing awareness amongst the consumer regarding the benefits of fish and fish products consumption is driving the aquaculture market. Capture fishery industry is stable but aquaculture is expected to exceed the capture fishery industry during the analysis period. Aquaculture is one of the promising segments, as the technique provides quality control regulations and improved farming methods.
Rise in population and economic growth, increases the demand for the food and these conditions are serving as a platform for the market expansion. There is a large amount of depletion in stock due to lack of management and overfishing in capture fishery industry. This condition forces aquaculture as adoption, as the only option to deal with the demand for seafood. Aquaculture is result of organized R&D and innovation for seafood production system.It is anticipated that global atmospheric temperature will rise to 1.8-4.0 degree Celsius by 2100.
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As aquaculture operations are highly dependent on the climate, the rising temperature can pose as threat to the development of the industry. Lack of technological development is hampering the market share of aquaculture. Investing into aquaculture businesses such as feed, fishery-farming equipments, etc. is delivering various growth opportunities with manageable risks.Key companies profiled in this report are Blue Ridge aquaculture, Cermaq ASA, Cooke Aquaculture Inc., Eastern Fish Co., Marin Harvest ASA, International Fish Farming Co-Asmak, Promarisco, Stolt Sea Farm, Tasaal Group Ltd., and Thai Union Frozen Product Public Company Ltd.
• Porters five force’s model will help to understand bargaining power of supplier and buyers, threat of new entrants and substitutes and completion amongst the key players
• Top investment pockets of aquaculture market are discussed according to regions, by considering market revenue and growth rate
• Report discusses government regulation, subsidies, policy and environmental challenges related to aquaculture market
• Top winning strategies help to plan strategic moves that will help in business expansion
• Top impacting factors of aquaculture market such as drivers, restraints and opportunities are discussed in detail
• Fresh Water
• Marin Water
• Brackish Water
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• Carps
• Mollusks
• Crustaceans
• Salmon
• Milkfish
• Trout
• Mackerel
• Sea Bream
• Sea Bass
• Others
• North America
• Europe
• Asia-Pacific
• RoW
• Government Departments
• Companies, Retailer and Distributors of Sea Food
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