Brain implants, also called as neural implants are directly attached to the brain and are used to restore the normal functioning of brain, wherein the functioning of brain has been altered due to the damages like head injuries or strokes. The Brain Implants can be attached either on the surface of the brain i.e., on gyri and sulci, or they can be attached to the cortex of the brain. The brain implants market has witnessed vertical growth in the past few decades and this trend is expected to continue during the forecast period. This growth would be driven by rising incidences of Parkinsons disease, obsessive compulsive disorder, increase in aging populations, high adoption rates in developed countries, and medical tourism. The low adoption rates in developing and underdeveloped regions are the key restraints.
The Asia Pacific brain implants market can be segmented on the basis of technology into vagus nerve stimulator (VNS), spinal cord stimulator (SCS) and deep brain stimulator (DBS). The VNS is used to treat epilepsy and depression, SCS is used to treat chronic pain, and DBS is used to treat dystonia, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and essential tremor. The Asia Pacific physiotherapy equipment market is segmented into China, Japan, India, Australia and others. This region is expected to emerge as potential market in the future. This growth is supplemented by the rising geriatric population, particularly in countries like Japan, increasing adoption rate, and improving government support for healthcare.
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- This report provides in-depth coverage of the Asia Pacific brain implants market including drivers, restraints, and opportunities that would help manufacturers to better understand market behavior
- The projections in this report are made by analyzing the current market trends and future market potential for the period 20132020 in terms of value
- Detailed study of the strategies of key leaders, partnerships and acquisitions in the Asia Pacific brain implants market would be informative for professionals in the corporate sector
- Porters Five Forces analysis examines the competitive structure of the Asia Pacific brain implants market and would assist market strategists in making decisions
- Pin-point analysis of geographic segments helps to identify opportunities for growth within the Asia Pacific brain implants market
- Market attractiveness analysis has been included for devices and geographic regions with detailed analysis of factors responsible for rapid growth of the market segments
- Ease of doing business analysis should help in making strategic business decisions
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The Asia Pacific brain implants market is segmented into three major categories: technology, application, and geography.
- Vagus nerve stimulator (VNS)
- Deep brain stimulator (DBS)
- Spinal cord stimulator (SCS)
- Epilepsy
- Parkinsons disease
- Obsessive compulsive disorder
- Depression
- Essential tremor
- Chronic pain
- Dystonia
- Others
- China
- Japan
- India
- Australia
- Others
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