Latest industry research report on: Spoil detection-based smart label is used to detect quality of food materials. Smart labels are used in food & beverage and healthcare industries to detect the degree of freshness of food materials. The detection of various factors, such as temperature, microorganisms, and moisture is possible using spoil detection-based smart label. The degree of freshness is identified through indications, such as change in color or texture. The detection of freshness of food helps in reduction of food waste. The integration of smart labels with RFID sensors assists in proper distribution of food materials in supply chain management.
The detection of freshness of food for safety purposes and customer preference for hygienic food materials fuel the growth of the spoil detection-based smart label market. However, form factor of labels and lack of uniform standards are hindering the growth of the market. Integration of sensors in labels are likely to create opportunities in the market.The spoil detection-based smart label market is segmented based on type and geography. The types covered in the report are fish, meat, vegetables, and dairy products.
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The market is divided geographically into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America, Middle East and Africa (LAMEA).The prominent manufacturers operating in the market are Thinfilm Electronics ASA, SATO Holding AG., Zebra Technologies, Invengo Information Technologies Co. Ltd., Smartrac N.V., and Muhlbauer Holdings AG & Co. They have adopted various strategies, such as collaborations, new product launches, mergers & acquisitions, expansions, partnerships, joint ventures, and others to strengthen their position in the market.
- The report offers a detailed analysis of key driving and restraining factors of the world spoil detection-based smart label market.
- This report offers an in-depth quantitative analysis of the current market and estimations through 2015 and 2020, which assists in identifying the prevailing Market – Opportunities.
- An exhaustive analysis of key strategies adopted by leading manufacturers helps in understanding competitive scenario.
- The report provides an extensive analysis of current and future market status of the world spoil detection-based smart label market.
- Comprehensive analysis has been done in this report by constructing market estimations for the key market segments between 2015 and 2020.
- An extensive analysis of current research and clinical developments withinthe world spoil detection-based smart label market is provided with key market dynamic factors that help in understanding the behavior of the market.
- The world spoil detection-based smart label market is segmented into North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Latin America, Middle East and Africa (LAMEA).
View complete report with TOC @ http://www.marketresearchstore.com/report/world-spoil-detection-based-smart-label-market-opportunities-71286#tableOfContent
By Type
- Fish
- Meat
- Vegetables
- Dairy Products
By Geography
- North America
- Asia-Pacific
- Europe
- Latin America, Middle East and Africa (LAMEA)
- Thinfilm Electronics ASA
- SATO Holding AG.
- Zebra Technologies
- Invengo Information Technologies Co. Ltd.
- Smartrac N.V.
- Muhlbauer Holdings AG & Co.
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